Author : Vineet Mishra Publishers : Alchemy Borrowed : Vandana Karande, RCP, Mumbai “ Vinu I am getting married ” is a fiction (atleast the author claims so) authored by my friend and colleague Vineet Mishra [the guy on right, in his standard pose] and published by Alchemy Publishers. I really thought of not blogging […]
Dhirubhaism is authored by A G Krishnamurthy and published by Tata McGraw Hills. Dhirubhai’s son Mukesh D Ambani has written foreword to this book. My colleague Vandana and I participated in an essay competition. She won second prize and was gifted two books, of which one was ‘Dhirubhaism’. It’s a little book for light reading. […]
RAJNIs PUNCHtantra is a book authored by P C Balasubramanian along with Raja Krishnamoorthy and published by Oxygen Books. It costs INR 125. The book is very simple and small. It has 30 statements delivered by Rajni in his various movies. This is mainly for Rajni’s fans. When I found this in the shelves of […]
Translated from Vishnupuram Saravanan’s tamil poem, published in Ananda Vikatan: You please walk! Its the same streetWhere you walk nowWitnessed a child died of cryingWithout his mother andWithout half of his scalp. You please walk! Its the same buildingWhich you see isWhere a women liberatorWas devoured by four-five menWithout language barrier. You please walk! Its […]
Today’s day started with the news that Osama-Bin-Laden is dead. I came to know of this at our regular bus stop. On the way to office, I started posting in FaceBook. The posts are below: Osama dead? Why not declare a global holiday? Who will be attending the final procession of Osama? Will Mubarak get […]