Its indeed a tourist land
You please walk!
Its the same street
Where you walk now
Witnessed a child died of crying
Without his mother and
Without half of his scalp.
You please walk!
Its the same building
Which you see is
Where a women liberator
Was devoured by four-five men
Without language barrier.
You please walk!
Its the same beach
Where you dip your leg
With cool smooth beautiful water
Where a nine month pregnant
While trying to escape by boat
Was shot and killed.
You please walk!
Its the same trench
Where a liberator stood
With his six month old son
Withered by the shelling.
You please walk!
Its the same place
Where you rest now
When once a refuge camp
Witnessed a old man die
Waiting in line for
Water and fishing net.
You please walk!
Tomorrow we can go to another spot.
We are now free
To visit any part of this country.
Its a tourist land.
To show you around and tell
I am left with just these kind of stories
I am helpless about it.
Original copy from Ananda Vikatan below: